Event for the presentation of the edited book "Life Cycle Assessment in the Chemical Product Chain: Challenges, Methodological Approaches" written by the Italian LCA network and published by Springer.
In conjunction with the publication of the book, the webinar aims at discussing the methodological progresses on the LCA application to chemicals product chains.
Frequent issues for Life Cycle Analysts will be faced in the scientific community perspective (e.g. "How to provide a reliable LCA for a chemical product? How to deal with a context-dependent issue in the modelling phase?")
During the webinar, two practical cases of innovative use of LCA in the chemical sector will be presented.
Final part of the webinar will be devoted to Questions and Answers session.
The webinar is promoted by Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”(Politecnico di Milano), and sponsored by the Italian LCA network.