November 12, 2021 | ore 14.30
Room 6.0.1 (Natta) | Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 – Milano
[The Awards Ceremony can also be followed remotely]
Awards Ceremony:
Natta Award 2020 | Patrik Schmuki
Natta Award 2021 | Michele Parrinello
Opening Remarks:
Donatella Sciuto | Executive Vice Rector Politecnico di Milano
MariaPia Pedeferri | Head of CMIC Department
Sir J. Fraser Stoddart | 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2019 Natta Award, Northwestern University
Pierroberto Folgiero | CEO Maire Tecnimont
Elena Bottinelli | Head of Innovation & Digitalization Gruppo San Donato
Natta Award 2020
Patrik Schmuki
Friedrich Alexander Universität (FAU)
Lectio Magistralis: Self-organizing electrochemistry: Formation and features of aligned oxide nanotubes
Natta Award 2021
Michele Parrinello
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Genova
Lectio Magistralis: Seeing is believing
Natta Award is the award that the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta" of Politecnico di Milano assigns to who has distinguished himself/herself in the world for his/her original studies and researches, and has reached outstanding achievements in the main areas of interest for the CMIC Department.